Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food.
I'm Sinead. A thirty something living and working in Belfast, Northern Ireland (via England, Co. Clare and Dublin). I've been around the block and back again.
The day job is marketing and PR. Through my work and travels, I've discovered some pretty amazing places, people and spaces. I've also been lucky to collobaborate with some fantastic brands and incredibly talented people.
Here you'll find my adventures in life, style, food and travel, along with a few random happenings for good measure. I'm married to Dominic. He's infinitely cooler than I am and food and music obsessed. He may blog here from time to time too.
And if you're wondering about the name of the blog... I've been known to use the odd eye heart emoji. If it deserves one, you'll find it here.